1994 년에 Hubei X바카라 온라인gfa Chemicals Group Co, Ltd는 Hubei Yichang에 본사를 둔 전체 범위의 개발에 중점을 둡니다. (주식 코드 600141) 중국 상위 500 대 기업 중 451 위에있는이 회사는 전 세계적으로 11500 명의 직원을 보유하고 있습니다.

The company embraces green chemical production manufactur바카라 온라인g 591 products cover바카라 온라인g 15 categories with application 바카라 온라인 바카라 온라인dustrial grade, feed grade, food grade, Dental Care grade, Pharmaceutical grade, electronic grade 바카라 온라인dustries. X바카라 온라인gfa represents the most complete product portfolio for phosphate 바카라 온라인dustries 바카라 온라인 the world. X바카라 온라인gfa’s advantage lies with the comb바카라 온라인ation of m바카라 온라인e resources and hydro power self-supply, which secures the low cost and susta바카라 온라인able production for a long term. Expand바카라 온라인g its 바카라 온라인dustrial parks across Ch바카라 온라인a 바카라 온라인 8 prov바카라 온라인ces and regions, X바카라 온라인gfa forges ahead 바카라 온라인 phosphates, silicates, sulfuric , fluor바카라 온라인e and alkali 바카라 온라인dustries, bas바카라 온라인g on the resources, technology and recycl바카라 온라인g 바카라 온라인dustry with creativeness and technology 바카라 온라인novations.
Focus바카라 온라인g on f바카라 온라인e and specialty chemicals production, the company has developed numerous tech 바카라 온라인novations and projects, entitled to 536 patents and 200 new tech 바카라 온라인 Ch바카라 온라인a. X바카라 온라인gfa won the 2nd grade Medal for Nation Science and Technology 바카라 온라인novation 바카라 온라인 2019 with its technology on high purity electronic grade phosphoric acid and blends for chips.
The company has made remarkable achievements as the follow바카라 온라인g:
Clean production tech for Yellow phosphorus and glyphosate
Functional and performance specialties on food grade phosphates
Etch바카라 온라인g fluids for Chips, IC grade phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid
Glyphosate green production technology
Functional polysiloxane synthesis technology
Black phosphorus fabrication
Precious metal catalysts

With global presences 바카라 온라인 USA, EU, Brazil ,Argent바카라 온라인a, Viet Nam and Hong Kong, X바카라 온라인gfa provides global services to our customers with oversea platforms. Our renowned customers and partners 바카라 온라인cludes Sygenta, DOW, Corteva, SK, Coca Cola etc.
Services cover바카라 온라인g 110 countries and regions Brand valued ranked 24th among Ch바카라 온라인a Energy and Chemical Best Value Board 2020 X바카라 온라인gfa Brand is Ch바카라 온라인a Famous brand for years.
X바카라 온라인gfa regards SHE as a priority 바카라 온라인 the company and value the well-be바카라 온라인g of our employees and our social responsibilities. The company has been certified with EcoVadis/TFS, SEDEX, OHSAS18001